Author: VBunta
What is the difference between the “heat-treated wood” and “thermally modified wood” terms?
In the U.S. the term, “heat treated wood” refers to kiln dried wood that reaches temperature of 133°F. The only purpose being to dry wood. Thermally modified wood is a process that increases the temperature of wood beyond 400°F which Read More …
Does the product have any guarantee?
According to European Standards, the life cycle of thermo-treated wood is determined by the degree of temperature reached during the process and can be recognized by the various colors. A dark chocolate color is class #1 in durability, meaning it Read More …
How often is maintenance required for thermally modified wood products?
Thermally modified wood products have increased dimensional stability which allow it to maintain its size. This ensures the products will not shrink or swell following the application of a protectant. When the product maintains its size it prevents the finish Read More …
Does the product have to be finished for outdoor applications?
Thermally modified wood is still a natural, organic material and will fade in color from UV exposure. The brown tint will fade to a silver/gray over a 1 to 2 year period if untreated with a UV protectant. Although the Read More …